شوخی پرخاشگرانه
Martin et al.'s (2003) subscale of Aggressive Humor Style adapted for leader aggressive humor (translated into Chinese) did not demonstrate satisfactory internal consistency (a 1/4 .65).
(2018) used benign violation theory as the overarching framework to explain the role of leader aggressive humor in predicting follower deviance and work engagement.
(2012) proposed a model based on social comparison and attribution theories to explain the effects of leader aggressive humor on employees' strain and addictive behaviors.
, transforma- tional leadership, leader aggressive humor expression), and leader-follower relationships (e.g.
(2018, Study 2) found that the posi- tive relationship between leader sense of humor (which we considered to be leader positive humor expression) and perceived acceptability of norm violation (a positive correlate of fol- lower deviance) was strengthened by leader aggressive humor, whereas the positive rela- tionship between leader sense of humor and LMX (a positive correlate of follower work engagement) was attenuated by leader aggres- sive humor.
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